Space Missions: An Indispensable Exigency

Adarsh Agrawal
5 min readSep 26, 2018


Earth (bluish white speck, in the reddish hue on the right) as photographed by Voyager 1 space probe from a distance of 6 billion km. Photograph Courtesy of

Look again at that dot! That’s here. That’s home. That’s us.

~ Carl Sagan (in his book, Pale Blue Dot)

Space has been a matter of deep fascination from time immemorial. Indians, Romans, Greeks have had made an array of their own sets of assumptions (and interpretations) by intently gazing the night sky. This vastness has intrigued humans to the core from several centuries.

Well, it is the worthy efforts of scientists in 20th and 21st Century, that we have ventured into the space; that too with a great finesse. The human civilization is far more aware than just visualising some horrid shapes made by stars in the sky. So to say, our curiosity of exploring the unknown is now being accomplished (as we speak).

My question is, “ Is it just the curiosity to explore the unknown gospels of the universe the only driving force to host space missions?” Why do we need to invest so much time and money at the first place, just to quench this unsubsiding thrust of knowing the universe? The capital put into the development of expensive spacecrafts and rockets can be very well used to emancipate the lives of the people right here, residing on this planet. Expending of huge sums of money, just to fulfil the eagerness of learning seems to be sheer wastage, right?

Let me tell you. At first glance, it does. From a perspective of a developing nation, investment of funds on such space activities appears to be a heinous act rather. But there is a bigger picture to this.

Space Mission rather cater solutions to a wide variety of problems that we face today. An extensive amount of missions have been hosted to make our lives easier rather. Be it communication, medicine, military, observation, analysis, meteorology, astrobiology you name it. There will be a distant correlation of that field with the space technology if not a direct one. We have satellites providing navigation and communications round the clock rendering us the so called envisioned future that AT&T promised us long back. A plethora of products are result of advancement in space technology. Some spin offs include but are not limited to Artificial Limbs, Scratch Resistant lenses, Fire-fighting equipment, Structural Analysis Software; the list is endless. We now have the ability to move mountains with a click of button.

But the scope of my question, is just not limited to the use of satellites and space technology to stream TV Series on Netflix at lightning fast speeds. It encompasses such trivial human wants. Some space missions have had far reaching consequences than most of them in the entire pool. Consider the case of Voyager missions for instance. They are no longer just probes, they have become the souvenir of the fact that humans exist or at some point of time, of the fact that human existed. (Adapted from Vsauce) The very fact that these inanimate objects will send the message of humanity sends ominous chills down the spine. They contain a golden record and a plank which possess the message humanity would like to serve if that probe ever establishes a first contact.

The Golden Voyager Record, onboard the Voyager I and II probes. From L to R: The front face of the record, carries the name ”The Sounds of Earth”, the back of the record, that contains information for running the record, pictorially. Courtesy of

The golden record has priceless information. They carry the sounds of the Earth, the various activity we do (in form of movie clippings) the science and literature the human kind has penned, the clippings of the environment we dwell and what not. This shows the extent humans can go to, for getting their messages far and beyond. After all, evolution has made sure that whatever our capabilities be, the capability of communicating our thoughts has been one of the top priorities. That is also been partly the reason as to why humans are at the top of the food chain; we can clearly express our ideas and that too we can pass on the accumulated knowledge and experience.

Anyways, let me not digress. I am almost at the fag end of the answer to the former question. One reason as to why humans have taken up space missions in so high regard is because of the fact that we tend to leave our initials wherever we go, henceforth we find ourselves helpless as to why should we not leave a mark on this stark cosmic universe.

I am willing to add an another purview to the answer.

The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn’t have a space program.

~ Arthur C Clarke, Famous Science fiction writer


“Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot live in a cradle forever.”

~ Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Russian Rocket Scientist

Quite evident from the quotes, space programs are of paramount importance to get humankind away from the cradle that we were born in, one that has all the humanity in it, one that we are degrading at a rate that is faster than its natural rate of rejuvenation. We have to venture out to other celestial bodies, so to say planets, star systems etc. That’s our only hope of survival. I do agree with the “constructive environmentalists” that if we expend a fraction of money that was invested on the human space program, we can make our planet better again. But I say, all living creatures have a tendency to die, to wither with time. None can stop it. Henceforth it will be deemed as a wise act to explore the undiscovered ocean of opportunities that space has for us.

Just another question: What is the purpose of this article, this discussion with the reader at the first place?

My target audience can be thought as one that is divided in two groups. One that is oblivious to the core about the reasons that why we should conduct priceless space missions and how it befits humanity. The other group consists of highly motivated set of individuals who think that they can bring about a tremendous revolution on this planet, by taking initiative, by discussing ideas and at top of all, by working hard.

So my dear patrons, I request you with folded hands that if you belong to the former group, please support the latter group in thriving, in helping them grow and embrace new nuances of this universe, because ultimately it will be both the former and latter groups of people who will enjoy the fruits of a “Space Evolution”

My message to the latter group goes as follows:

“Nothing great has ever been achieved by staying in one’s own comfort zone. After all, if one craves to shine like a diamond, one has to bear the pressure for transforming oneself from carbon to diamond”



Adarsh Agrawal

Space Enthusiast, but some call me a maniac. I don’t deny!